- Your Italian/EU dual citizenship has been adjugated, now we are just waiting for some bureaucrat to sign some piece of paper to finalize everything.
- You read Don Quixote recently and it is your favorite book ever. And now you are listening to Man of La Mancha on repeat.
- You like reading about other cultures and things like hygge and jeong
- You are only working one full-time job right now. You go in around 4 a.m. and are done around 1 p.m., which means you go to bed really early.
- You bought a car a few months ago and are really enjoying that independence and being responsible for payments and insurance, and building up your credit.
- You would like a place of your own in the near future. Buying something is your preference but renting would be ok until the right thing comes along.
- You are still embracing a minimalist decor aesthetic, everything clean and simple.
- You traded your bed for a futon on the floor.
- Still a night owl when the job allows.
- You have recently become a vegetarian and are exploring new foods and recipes. You like to browse the specialty grocery stores and come home with new ingredients. A recent find was lotus roots. You made spicy soup with them and declared it delicious. You lived on dinosaur chicken nuggets and boxed mac&cheese when you were a little kid, so this is neat for us to see.
- This Christmas and birthday you asked for plants and books and especially cookbooks.
- You still like to wear hoodies but you have expanded your color palette beyond grey and black.
- Your friend group continues to expand and you all have a lot of fun together. You have gone to some music festivals together and you really enjoyed that.
- You are generally good about texting us and let us know if you are staying overnight at a friends.
- You are growing your hair out again and still using the curly hair products.
- You are very helpful with cleaning around the house without being asked. Though I'm not always sure where you put things away to!
- You got Invisalign braces and are really good about taking care of your teeth and following that protocol.
- You still doodle a lot and draw.
- You have several notebooks that you are always busy writing in.
- You go to the gym just about every day.
- You are still very close to your cousins.
- You want to have deep conversations with people about meaningful subjects.
- You wanted to spend time with your brother this year, taking your day off to celebrate your birthday together on your own. You had a big day planned - out to breakfast, a movie, the trampoline park and lunch or ice cream. Not all of that happened and I think you were a little bit disappointed but you understand that your brother processes things slowly and has trouble going tooooo far out of his routine. What you did get to do was a lot of fun though.
- You still love going to CAPP every day and seeing your friends and doing a mix of volunteering and fun activities. Your favorite activities are going to Meals on Wheels, Dog Ears Book Delivery and Cooking Group. You love it when there are special dress up spirit days.
- You have recently started buying a lot of pop on your outings, which you don't really like. You will take a few sips but not finish it. I think you just want to do what everyone else is doing. Staff is encouraging you to get iced tea or lemonade instead. Sometimes you get coffee.
- You very much want to do social activities now. You love that interaction with friends and will choose that over solitary activities like swimming. That is new because swimming was your thing for so long. But we are taking a break from that and we'll see how you feel about it over the summer.
- In the evenings, you have two fitness classes, one dance class, one cooking class, a recreational group, Special Olympics bowling and just started Special Olympics basketball. You have PT too once during the week. By the time Friday comes you are tired!
- At dance you still like to go into my office and steal my snacks! And the swinging egg chair in the waiting room is a favorite too. This year's dance is to one of your very favorite songs and all of you guys are getting a little solo. You are thrilled to bits about that!
- For Christmas this year you got a big bean bag chair with an ottoman. We're still trying to figure out the best place to put it.
- Meat sticks and pickles and craisins are still your favorite snacks. Pasta is still your top meal request. If there are leftovers from dinner, you like to have them for breakfast the next day. You LOVE salads.
- Baseball hats continue to be a recent favorite, especially a new one with Snoopy on it. You love spirit days when I let you wear some of your crazy hats, like the one that looks like a hamburger. You like to take Dad's hats now too. Your favorite shirts are still the ones from Life Is Good.
- Orange is still your favorite color, but now you like blue a lot too.
- You wear your Bills tshirt when it is a game weekend. Even though we don't watch the games. More friend influencers LOL
- We are hoping for two respite weekends at Cradle Beach this year, hopefully one of them will be in the summer so you can swim.
- You like piling up the pillows and stuffies in your bed, now a new big pillow in the shape of Snoopy's head has joined the crowd.
- You still lobby hard for takeout on the weekends and planning what we are getting from where.
- You do NOT want to go to bed. It can sometimes be a battle and you let us know that you are not happy about it. And then in the morning you let us know you are not happy about being too tired!
- You still love retelling stories with Dad, like the 3 Little Pigs or the 3 Kittens or the 3 Bears or the 3 Billy Goats.
- Every day you come home and tell Dad that you saved him some of your lunch and then when he opens your empty lunch box you laugh and laugh at the trick you just played on him.
- Your verbal speech continues to improve.
- Your thyroid still normal! Your cholesterol is under control since we started medication last year. But you are in good health and staying active helps greatly with that. You never complain about taking your meds and vitamins.
- You put away your laundry and unload the dishwasher.
- You still really do not like dogs or any animals really, but you will tolerate Aunt MaryEllen's dog if she happens to come into the room, so long as she doesn't surprise you. You still get spooked if she barks though.
- You went to see Lion King at Shea's with Dad and really enjoyed that.
- And going to the North Park to see movies is another activity you love to do with Dad. And going to Spot Coffee for lunch afterwards.
- You are so happy when Mark gets home if he has been at work or the gym and he is not here when you get home. You LOVED taking the day off from CAPP and going out to breakfast with Mark to celebrate your birthday! You couldn't wait to tell me all about it when I got home. I think ice cream might have been involved in the day as well!