Six Things About You @ Age 6

You like to call us continuously "Mom! Daddy!" for no real reason, just to make sure we're still there

Your current favorite food is meatballs, with or without sauce
You come into the bedroom every morning to snuggle and you get mad if I'm already up
You like to call us continuously "Mom! Daddy!" for no real reason, just to make sure we're still there
Sometimes you just start singing out of happiness
Lately you have been shouting "NO!" really loud in your sleep. Or laughing.
You love swimming! You just went to no bubbles at swimming lessons.
You are very sensitive
You love to create art
Your current favorites are Ben10 and Thunderbirds
You love Tim Horton's donuts, especially vanilla dip
You take dinosaur chicken nuggets to school for lunch every day
You like to wear all the same color: red shirt, red pants, red socks
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