16. Wow. I continue to be amazed by you both! I am so blessed to be your Mom.

- You seem to get taller by the minute! I don't know where you will stop!
- You started fencing last year and, as predicted, you love it. Maybe not the Saturday morning practices.
- You are teaching yourself computer animation and you are good!
- You have a little business drawing avatars for people and they pay you in game currency.
- You have a half-year class this year in Video Game Design so that's probably gonna be an easy A.
- Your favorite class at school is still Global History.
- Your favorite lunch now is Quorn chicken nuggets. Or jalapeno tuna. Your favorite snack is a whole pizza :-D
- You still talk to your cousin on the phone a lot.
- I recently started listening to audio books in the car and I torture you guys with listening to them when we're driving to and fro together. You seem like you're not paying attention and focused on your phone, but every so often you call out something witty. "Brandon's the better man, Marianne! Go with Brandon!" I recently got Master and Commander mostly because I thought you would enjoy it and you did.
- Last night while watching Half-Pipe in the Olympics you said "Shaun White, the only role model we gingers have." I said that wasn't true and you said ok, name some more. I said Ed Sheeran, which you accepted. Prince Harry, which you said was pushing it. And then I couldn't think of any more. So now it's down to you, bud.
- When you were little, you'd take any excuse to stay home from school. Hang nail? Can I stay home? Tiniest scratch? Can I stay home? Now you go to school no matter what, even on the days when I tell you can stay home if you want to.
- You are great about being in charge and keeping an eye on your brother when Dad and I have to be somewhere and you two would rather not go.
- Your fashion choices lean towards athletic gear, shirts with hoods, a leather jacket with a hood, and sneakers with just a pop of color.
- You have muscles! That is still strange to me.
- Your face has started morphing into a man's face. Also strange. But also kinda cool.
- You haven't shown a lot of interest in driving yet and that is fine with me right now.

- You are still growing but not as fast as your brother. Your feet have stopped though.
- Your favorite lunch is still lunchmeat, pickles and craisins. Spaghetti is still your favorite dinner with mashed potatoes being a close second. And smoothies!
- For your birthday celebration, you want to take everyone to the Skylon Tower for dinner. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Maybe we should just ask how much it is to rent out the whole place!
- When we ask you what you want to be when you grow up, you always say a cook or a farmer. But you don't actually want to ever help me cook or mess about in the garden. But you do love food and you do love restaurants. So maybe you need to be a restaurant critic. I think that might be the perfect job for you!
- Dad and Uncle Hugh took you to the car show last weekend. You enjoyed sitting in the race car but meeting Wonder Woman was better.
- You still wear a hat each and every day and right now you are not happy that I haven't managed to fix the ribbon on your top hat. You have now added sunglasses worn over your prescription glasses.
- Your remaining fashion choices depend on the weather. Hawaiian shirts in the summer, tuxedo vest and bow tie for formal occasions and fun tshirts with characters the rest of the time. When it is cold outside you prefer the puffy coat you stole from Mark to the big parka.
- You have appropriated Dad's chromebook and now prefer that to the ipads for the moment.
- But I am not allowed to use any of the ipads even though you are not using them. You literally take them away from me and put them back on the shelf.
- You love going to a show whether it is the movies or something at Shea's. You really enjoyed the Nutcracker and Lion King this year.
- When it is time to shave you tell us to leave the mustache alone!
- You started high school this year and have settled in well. The 7 a.m. bus was an adjustment though.
- You are still the first one up in the morning.
- You still swim and dance and now are enjoying bowling a lot more. You got a ball, shoes and bag for Christmas. You love wearing the team shirt.
- You love to paint and draw. We've asked that art be one of your electives next year.
- You like to tell me you are homesick and pretend cry. Then you say "already home!" and laugh and laugh. Silly.

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