Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

There's just something about...

the combined smell of vomit and rug cleaner...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You

Honoring veterans, both past & present, as well as those who continue to serve.  Your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Please Vote!

No matter which candidate you are supporting, please exercise your right to vote today! 

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat Bag Analysis

Our juice boxes were a big hit as always.  I love to see happy Trick or Treaters!  The cutest costume of the evening was the tiny pirate in the most adorable coat with gold braid (his dad said it came from Old Navy).

Between an event at the local college last weekend, parties at school, actual trick or treating last night and a party this afternoon, the costume count for my 2 kids stands at 8.  They have been a vampire, a king, a Clone Trooper, Woody from Toy Story (making three appearances), a goblin and a lizard.  Why stick to only one persona when you can change them every day? More evidence that dressup bins are the most played with things at our house.

Big thanks to the neighbor who sets up an elaborate timed-to-music tableau on his lawn every Halloween & Christmas with moving figures.  The whole neighborhood looks forward to it every year and we appreciate all the work and love that goes into it.

And now for the Trick or Treat Bag Analysis: 
  • Mini Hershey bars were clearly the giveaway of choice, followed closely by Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and mini M&Ms.
  • Malted milk balls were making their first appearance in a reasonably good showing.
  • Several items had address label stickers from a local church.  Trying to boost membership or just recycling?
  • Lots of pretzels!
  • Which joker gave out candy canes?  And more importantly, are they a year old?
  • And only ONE box of milk duds. :-(